

Home Imprint


Liability for content
The content of the websites of Poliext Kft. was created with utmost care. However, no guarantee can be provided for the correctness, completeness, or up-to-date information provided here. As a service provider, we are responsible for the contents of these pages in accordance with the general laws. However, as service providers, we are not obliged to monitor the communicated or stored external information or to investigate the possibility of any illegal activity. The obligations of removing or blocking the use of such information will not be affected by this provision, as per the general laws. Any liability in this connection is possible however only from the time of the knowledge of any concrete legal violation.
On being informed about the corresponding legal violations, we will delete these contents with immediate effect.

Liability for links
Our offer contains links to external websites of third parties on the contents of which we exercise no influence. Hence, we cannot assume any responsibility for the content of these external sites. The relevant service provider or owner of the site is always responsible for the contents of linked sites. The linked sites are checked for possible legal violations on the date of linking. Illegal contents were not apparent on the date of linking. Continuous control of the linked pages is however not possible without concrete clues of a legal violation. We will delete such links with immediate effect as soon as we come to know that they violate legal provisions.

The content and works created by the site owners on this site are subject to Copyright laws. Contributions by third parties are characterized as such. Reproduction, processing, distribution, and use of any kind outside the limits of the copyright will require the written approval of the relevant author or creator. Downloading and copying of this site is allowed only for private, non-commercial uses.

Data protection
Wherever we collect personal data on our website (for instance name, address, or e-mail addresses) we do so on a voluntary basis as far as possible. Use of the offers and services is in most cases possible without divulging personal data. Please note that data transmission across the Internet (e.g., communication via e-mail) can have safety loopholes. Foolproof protection of data against third-party access is not possible. Use of contact data within the framework of the imprint obligations by third parties for sending of not expressly requested advertisements and information is expressly prohibited. The owners of the site expressly reserve the right to take legal steps in case of unsolicited sending of advertising information on, i.e., through spam.

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